How Christians Set Goals for Success and to Build Their Faith

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Goal-setting for Believers

You can achieve a high percentage of your goals if you develop, set, and work towards achieving them in the right way. Everyone at some point in their life has things that they would like to accomplish. When I set goals and work towards achieving them, I find that I achieve eighty percent or more of them within the time set. I carry forward those I did not achieve to the next period and continue to pursue making them a reality.

As children of God, we should not set our goals and then ask God to rubber-stamp our plans and allow us to achieve them. The Bible, in Psalm 84:11 states, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” We need to allow Him to direct every area of our life as we have submitted our lives to Him. Regardless of How insignificant a decision, a goal, or a plan may seem we should pray for God’s guidance concerning it and make sure that it is in alignment with His word and His plans for us.

Any goal that is worth pursuing has to be within the will of God. We are told in Proverbs 3:5-6 that we are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding and that we should submit to Him and He will make our paths straight. As we seek to follow and fulfill God’s plan and His purpose for our lives we read His word, talk to Him every day in prayer, and listen to His Holy Spirit as He speaks to us and guides us. How do we ensure that the things we desire are in line with His will for us? If we have surrendered our lives fully to God, then we need not worry.

Characteristics of Effective Goals

Goals are statements of what we want to accomplish or improve in our lives. They can be personal or professional, short-term, or long-term, specific, or general. However, not all goals are created equal. Some goals are more likely to motivate us and help us succeed than others. The Bible instructs us to do all things decently and in order. This includes what we desire to achieve and how we will achieve it. In other words, how to create effective God-given goals and plans and achieve them. Here are some characteristics of effective goals:

They follow the SMART guidelines: this means they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and have a set period for accomplishing it. For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, which is a desire or objective with no set amount of weight to be lost and no clear way of determining by when it should be accomplished, a SMART goal would be “I want to lose 10 pounds by March 1, 2024, by exercising three times a week and eating healthy meals”.

They are aligned with our values and purpose. For example, if your goal is to improve or maintain your health and wellness, a goal to run a marathon each year or walk a mile each day would be more meaningful than a goal to buy a golf cart or low-speed vehicle to drive around in your community. Walking or running would align better with what you are trying to achieve.

They are challenging but realistic. For example, if you have never run a marathon (26.2 miles/42.2 Kilometers) before and have not been practicing for one, a goal to run a marathon one month from now would be too unrealistic and demotivating. You can set stretch goals but that one would be too far a stretch. A more realistic and sensible goal would be to run a 5K (3.1 miles) in a month from now and gradually increase your running distance over time until you are prepared physically and mentally to run a marathon.

They are balanced. For example, if you have goals for your career, you should also have goals for your personal life, such as your relationships, hobbies, leisure time, health, or finances. You should also set goals to be achieved in different lengths of time, for example, one year, five years, and 10 years.

Grouping Your Goals by Categories

Grouping your goals into different categories helps you to define them more clearly and focus on working to achieve them. I have listed some categories below and you can add others that are important to you:

– Spiritual: You can set goals to do daily devotion, read a chapter of a book of the Bible each day, join a small bible study group, read Christian books, or do activities or go on group trips with other Christians.

– Physical: You can also aim to improve your fitness, strength, flexibility, or endurance by following a workout routine, joining a gym, taking a class, or hiring a trainer.

– Financial: You can target to – set and use a monthly budget to guide your spending, save for a specific purpose, invest in your future, pay off debt, or increase your income by seeking a promotion, changing jobs, or starting a side hustle.

– Education and development: You can pursue the goal of doing a degree, certificate, or course that will enhance your skills and knowledge, learning a new language, or hobby, or volunteering for a cause that is of interest to you.

– Health and well-being: You can aim to adopt healthy habits such as eating well, sleeping/resting for a certain number of hours each night, drinking water, avoiding stress, or quitting smoking or some other habit. You may also want to seek professional help if you have any physical or mental health issues.

– Leisure and relaxation: You should plan to make time to enjoy activities that bring you joy and peace, such as reading, watching movies, playing games, listening to music, or spending time with friends and family.

Activities to Help You Focus and Monitor Your Progress

It is important to review your goals periodically so that you are actively working to make them come true. I recommend the two ways of helping you to do so.

Write Your Goals

It is important to write down your goals in a diary or journal so that you can refer to them from time to time. Set these out according to the time frames and categories to which they belong. Make sure to state what you are to achieve and by when. This will help you to monitor your progress, hold yourself accountable, and take necessary steps to help you achieve your specific goals. We are told in James 1:8 of the Bible that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. If you were led to setting those goals and they were significant enough for you to write them as part of your plan you should work steadily towards achieving them and not make excuses for not doing so.

Create a Vision Board

Once you have set your goals, you can create a vision board that will help you visualize them and keep you motivated. Long before I even heard of the concept of creating a vision board, I would write all my goals in my new diary or scheduler at the start of each year, and I would write the main ones on a sheet of cartridge paper and write by when they were to be achieved. I would try to review them monthly, but when I was very busy and pressured with work or other things, I would skip a few months without reviewing them. I would often be pleasantly surprised when I found that I had accomplished some of those goals and I would check them off. It was always a great feeling.

A vision board is a collage of images, words, quotes, or symbols that represent your goals and dreams. You can use any materials you like, such as magazines, newspapers, photos, stickers, or online tools. The key is to make it colorful, creative, and personal.

Here are some steps to create your vision board:

– Gather your materials. You will need a board (such as a poster board, cork board, or canvas), scissors, glue or tape, markers or pens, and any images or words that inspire you.

– Arrange your board. You can divide your board into sections based on your categories (personal and professional) and timeframes (long-term, medium-term, and short-term). Alternatively, you can mix them up and create a collage that reflects your overall vision.

– Fill your board. Start cutting out and pasting the images and words that represent your goals on your board. You can also write down your own affirmations or quotes that motivate you. Be creative and have fun!

– Display your board. Place your board somewhere where you can see it every day, such as your bedroom wall, desk, or fridge. Look at it often and remind yourself of your goals and why they matter to you.

Accountability Partner

A third way of holding yourself accountable for accomplishing your goals is to share them with an accountability partner. This is a tricky one however as it can sometimes create difficulties for you. I gave up on using this method a long time ago because of some bad experiences. It has worked for some people. You have to choose carefully. A mentor who is older than you is a leader in your church, and who is more accomplished than you, could be a good accountability partner. Bear in mind, however, that even your goals and dreams can sometimes spark envy, enmity, and evil in another person.

Have you read the story of Joseph and His brothers? He shared a dream he had received with them and after his father, Jacob, gave him a special coat they decided to kill him. First, they threw him into a pit, and then on the insistence of one brother, Judah, they sold him to traders who were on their way to Egypt. Of course, it was all a part of God’s plan for His people but none of them knew that at the time when the events took place.

Put These Strategies into Practice

Seeking God’s guidance for your life through prayer and Bible reading and setting your goals every year, working on achieving them, and monitoring them brings great joy when one day you realize that you have achieved them. This will help to reinforce your desire to continue with these activities. Each time you achieve a goal you should give thanks to God and celebrate it.

Writing your goals, creating a vision board, and having an accountability partner are fun and powerful ways to manifest your goals and dreams. It can help you clarify what you want, focus on what matters most, and attract positive outcomes into your life. It can also help to build your faith by deepening your reliance on God and strengthening your relationship with Him.

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