A Wake-Up Call
A few years ago, I felt utterly exhausted. I love my work, yet I wondered about quitting. I pictured a life of endless rest, spending time with my wife and family, free from the heavy burden of my calling. I asked God, “Is this the time? Should we close everything down?” Looking back, I realize I was simply weary.
Then, a friend prayed for God to give me clarity. That night, I had a dream—Jesus was returning in ten years. While I don’t know if this will happen in seven years, tomorrow, or generations from now, this dream changed me. Since then, I haven’t thought about quitting. I’ve resolved that I will do my part if there’s even a small chance He’s coming back soon.
Reflecting on Our Lives
Imagine knowing with absolute certainty that Jesus is returning in seven years. What would change in your life? How would it affect your thoughts and how you spend your time?
Embracing Our Mission
If we knew Jesus was coming back in seven years, we’d be obsessed with helping the lost know Him. This mission to “go and make disciples” would feel crystal clear and urgent.
But many of us have found our mission out of a place of drive rather than calling. How can you know if you’re living driven or living called?
Driven People:
- Need affirmation before they feel good about something.
- Spend more time online than with Jesus.
- Compare their results to others.
- Constantly look to arrive at an achievement.
- Live frustrated at their lack of opportunities.
- Get anxious when they aren’t performing.
- Check numbers all the time.
- Think of how others can elevate them.
- Share their weakness publicly before they confess it privately.
Called People:
- Have nothing to lose and nothing to prove.
- Celebrate others’ successes easily.
- Enjoy the work that God has for them no matter the results.
- Are comfortable confessing weakness and sin.
- Seek out and recognize others.
- Enjoy Jesus.
- Prioritize real-life relationships over online significance.
- Think about how they can elevate others.
“Driven vs. called” is one of the main ways that the enemy has hijacked the Church’s mission because we have been distracted by looking for significance rather than focused on kingdom impact. We have loved other things more than God and made things more complicated than Jesus intended. I believe that if the Church knew Jesus was coming back in seven years, we would live as called people on a mission to make disciples.
There are 2.5 billion Christians on Earth and 5.5 billion people on Earth who don’t know Jesus yet. How could the world be changed if every Jesus follower discovered, resolved, and commissioned into the cause of making Jesus known?
Coming Together as One
When we’re all looking for significance, we tend to separate from each other. We live isolated and become lonely as we focus on our drive. But when we lean into living called, we come together for the only thing that will last: the kingdom of God. Like the Avengers coming together (do you love the Marvel movies as much as I do?), when we work together as a team, unbelievable things are possible that we simply cannot do alone.
This idea of coming together is intrinsically tied to our vision for unity. Our dream is to gather the global Church of every man, woman, and child who follows Jesus. Leaders across many different streams of Christian faith share our vision to work together for the gospel.
Acts 2:42-47 (ESV) describes the early Church this way: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
If we are living like Jesus is coming back in seven years, we as the Church will come together similarly; we will fellowship together, we will be devoted to the teaching of the Word, we will praise God together, and we will sacrificially love our neighbors.
That is my dream, what is yours, do you think all the various organizations would unite? would they put aside their various doctrinal difference and unite? Do you think we would all go to heaven with our different doctrines? Adventist, Jehovah’s Witness, Pentecostal, and much more. Remember there are over 40,000 different Christian organizations in the world.
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